• Got a question? Comment? E-mail mailbox@imgmagazine.com Be Box Dear IMG: I just received my September issue of IMG, and once again I'm delighted at the quality and quantity of material on the disk. I'll definitely subscribe until I no longer own a Mac (which will be a very long time from now). My real reason for writing, though, was to complement you on your August BeBox article. Being a Mac fan, I thought it was a pretty honest view of the state of the Mac vs. the unknown potential of a new machine, and I appreciated it. I'm a probably a little biased, however, as I also work for Be.. — Ron Theis via Internet • Thanks for the kind words Ron! We try to offer a broad spectrum of articles so that we can appeal to all factions of Mac Gamers.   MechWarrior 2 Dear IMG: I've e-mailed both Green Dragon, and Activision asking if they are planning on bringing the Mechwarrior 2 expansions (Netmech, Ghost Bear Legacy, and Mercenaries) to the Mac. I recieved no response from either company. I was curious if you might know or could find out if these products are in the works? Earlier, Activision said that it would depend on how well MW2 sold. Have the decided it wasn't worth it? Or is the decision still up in the air? I'm just trying to figure out if I need to convince my roomate to go buy Mercs for his Pentium.... Anyway, thanks for your time. -Ben Galantivia Internet • Although there is no official word on expansion packs for Mech 2, we suspect that Activision will greenlight future projects for the Mac. It’s still too early to tell how well MechWarrior 2 will do, but if it sells well we should see at least one.   Soccer Game for the Mac Dear IMG: I do not know if I am the only person to receive the IMG CD in my country (Venezuela), but I imagine I am not it must be lots of kids down here; never less I initially purchase the IMG CD for my wife little brothers and my sisters son's, but at the end who plays, reads and keeps waiting for the new IMG CD to come out is me; the oldest in the family. In my appreciation it is a great CD, I truly recomended for young and old, it is a great information to have at hand as if you where having the encyclopedia. -Fernando Marturet via Internet •It’s surprising how many of our readers are international (including me), thanks for the kind words!   Civilized? Dear IMG: Where the heck is Civilization II for the Mac. It was a big seller in it's orginal edition of Civilization. ANY news about it. I have had no luck contacting Microprose or Spectrum-H. My friends on Idiot Basic Mess machines love it and rave about it. Can you help us out? I am a subscriber to IMG and look forward to each issue. Thanks for your help. — Darrel Pantalone via Internet • Let me put it this way.... When I asked a Microprose rep at E3 if they had any upcoming Mac titles he looked at me as though he had no idea what a ‘Mac’ even was. Don’t hold your breath, but if enough of us keep buying games (yes, even I by Mac games) it will make the marketplace more attractive for companies like Microprose.